"I'm giving into my tendency to want to blur and blend the lines between art and life, and privacy and sharing."
~ Lia Ices ~
Blending Just Takes Patience and Practice
Many steer clear of blending not because it's hard, but because it can be a little tricky and intimidating at first. But once you get it down, you'll be glad you gave it a try. It's a unique way to lay down a very nice background for whatever decorating you want to do over top. Or, perhaps you just want it for your basic look.
You can use two or more colors, but the main goal is to blend the colors so it looks natural with an even and smooth transition. That doesn't mean straight or perfect. You aren't going for perfection, just visual appeal. Ombre, it's close cousin, can be done with this technique.
Tools & products you'll need:
- Paint - two or more colors that coordinate
- Several paint brushes
- Water - spray bottle, mister, or cup of water to dip your brush
- Paper towel - to wipe brushes
- cup or plate
- Sealer
Triple Time Stenciling/Topcoating/Glazing
This is how I decorated the cabinet after blending. I sped it up to save time but still give you a look-see my process.

Three Blending Methods on a Cabinet Door
A Fourth Blending Technique on a Plaque