Week #1 Showing you my planner, how I organize my schedule and why.
Showing you specifics...

If you choose to use Instagram for one of your platforms, post regularly on IG (at least 4x/week), and work at building a LOCAL audience by "friending" those in your area that have shown interest in your furniture.
Encourage your current customers to find you on IG and follow you. Once they do, comment on their IG and start a conversation so they can get to know you. You can follow their IG too to keep track of them.
Look for people on IG that are from your area.
Post interesting photos and use hashtags, including a hashtag of your town/city.
Use Planoly to schedule ahead to save time. (My affliliate link) It's free or you can get a better plan at $12/mo. See a run through in the bonuses.
IG Power Hour - building your audience on Instagram