Unicorn SPiT
Not only does Unicorn SPiT Gel Stain turn ordinary furniture into a piece of art, it can also be used on fabric, metal, glass, concrete, pottery and more.
Michelle Nicole - 11min 49sec
Jeweled Pond Effect
This is the 3 Dimensional Jeweled Pond effect using Unicorn SPiT Gel Stain utilizing the trademarked Side to Side Aura Blast technique. Unicorn SPiT Gel Stain is the only product that can achieve a 3 dimensional effect. 11 min. 51 sec.
Michelle Nicole - 55min 48sec
Cabinet Makeover
Michelle used products like wax, decorative rollers, paint additives, guilding powder etc. from Pixie Dust Paint Company, Wise Owl along with her Unicorn SPiT to create a unique look. She also demonstrates the Southern Blenders/Bermuda Blending technique. 55 min. 43 sec.
Michelle Nicole - 66min 41sec
The Art of Blending Unicorn SPiT
Demonstrating the art of blending, Michelle shows how to use your fingers, water, a wet towel and/or a brush to achieve perfect blending to marry the colors together. She also does a silhouette. You can hear her back story during the video. 66 min. 34 sec.
Val Frania - 3min 43sec
Unicorn SPiT & METALLiCS as Paint
The new METALLiCS and SPiT are super easy to use as paint. Just don't dilute and paint away! Here I show you a couple of projects, how I used each and the results. I also found both to be quite workable in layering.
Val Frania - 7min 35sec
Using SPiT as Stain & METALLiCS Dry Brushed
To make SPiT into a stain all you need to do is dilute with water - keeping a spray bottle full of water is handy. You can either dilute in a container or just spray on your piece and use your brush to work it and then wipe it off when it's totally covered. Or Not. Either way is fine - just find your preferred way.
Val Frania
Stenciling with Unicorn SPiT & METALLiCS
I found it very easy to stencil with SPiT and the new METALLiCS, and the clean up was so easy. With the typical stencil paint, acrylics, you need to clean your stencil right away or it's a pain to get off and can build up on your stencil rendering it useless. With these paints, you can wait as long as you want to clean them off and it's a breeze. Just rinse with water.

Unicorn SPiT Instructions
Unicorn SPiT™ Website and Blog: www.unicornspit.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnicornSPiTGelStains/
Fellow Flipper Retailer: https://www.facebook.com/Renaissance2Lady/
- Unicorn SPiT™ Stain & Glaze is an all-natural, non-toxic, water based, vibrantly colored medium with a jasmine scent.
- Safe to use indoors, on many surfaces and for any age or ability.
- Highly concentrated gel that can be diluted up to 70% with water for use as a stain on woods and porous surfaces or full strength as a paint or glaze.
- Due to its unique qualities, Unicorn SPiT™ stays vibrant and strong even when diluted.
- Can be used on wood, canvas, metals, plastic, fabric, glass, laminate and many other surfaces.
- Seal your initial work with an oil based sealer to protect Unicorn SPiT™ from reactivating (becoming wet again and smearing/bleeding). The Glaze Coat product is a perfect match to use with the Unicorn SPiT – and we know that no homemade product can come close to comparison.
- The Unicorn SPiT product is formulated to have consistency, shelf-stability and contains most premium quality component materials available.
Using as Stain:
Dilute up to 70%: Add 10 parts Unicorn SPiT™ in a re-sealable container, gradually mixing in 7 parts water. On a sample piece, test the staining power as you mix. Continue to add water till you get your desired effect. Mixing the water to the Unicorn SPiT™ allows the product to absorb into the porous surface.
Apply your newly mixed stain to the surface once it is completely void of any and all oil, sealer, dirt, grime, paint, stain, or anything that may inhibit the product from contacting the bare porous surface for best results.
Unicorn SPiT™ dries quickly. You can use a spray bottle of water to keep your Unicorn SPiT™ from drying out and able to be manipulated it while on the surface.
You can also mix multiple colors and blend colors.
Using as Paint:
You can dilute Unicorn SPiT™ with up to 10% water to make paint. Simply add 10 parts Unicorn SPiT™ into a re-sealable container adding up to 1-part water gradually. On a small sample piece, test the painting power, adding water until you get your desired effect. Mixing the water to the Unicorn SPiT™ allows you to control the opaqueness.
Paint your piece. Once you are happy with your design, allow to dry.
Use a Scotch Bright Pad following the grain to lightly buff the surface removing any excess or clumps. Dust off thoroughly and seal with any oil-based sealer. The more coats of sealer you use, the better it will look. High gloss sealers will help you achieve a three-dimensional look.
Using as a Glaze:
You can dilute Unicorn SPiT™ by up to 20% with water to make your glaze. Simply add 10 parts Unicorn SPiT™ in a re-sealable container adding up to 2 parts water gradually. On a small sample piece, test the glazing power and add water until you get your desired effect. Mixing the water with the Unicorn SPiT™ allows you to control the opaqueness.
Apply the color of Unicorn SPiT™ of you choice to a dry, clean and sealed surface area in which you wish to antique, age, patina, highlight or lowlight. Once dry, use a soft dry or damp cloth to polish away Unicorn SPiT™ to get your desired effect.
Apply to unsealed chalk, milk or mineral style paint to create custom color highlighting and lowlighting before sealing. Seal with any oil-based sealer.
Using on Laminate:
Sand the surface with 220 sand paper after cleaning. Dust well before applying.
Using on Glass:
For items regularly handled, put a thin layer of dishwasher safe Mod Podge on the surface, allow to dry then apply Unicorn SPiT™. This makes it more durable. Mod Podge is not necessary for the interior of bottles or vases.
Allow to dry. Use a Scotch Bright Pad following the pattern to lightly buff the surface removing any excess or clumps if so desired and dust off thoroughly. Seal with any oil based sealer. The more coats of sealer you use, the better it will look.
Sealing Unicorn SPiT
Use Only OIL BASED Products to Seal
Tung Oil, Formbys Tung Oil Finish (low gloss) Wipe On Poly, Famowood Glaze Coat, Penetrating Stain & Sealer in One (to create a rustic look), Clear Coat, Rustoleum Spray Lacquer (for sealing glass), Never Wet Spray (for sealing fabric, shoes, etc.). Automotive Interiors Sprays, Glaze Coat (high gloss) Here is a facebook video that shows how to use Famowood: https://www.facebook.com/UnicornSpit/videos/1307137619334132/
Stenciling With USPiT
Creative Stenciling w/ No Fear
Unicorn SPiT doesn't contain any plastics, so it doesn't seep underneath stencils like ordinary paint. Plus, if you overshoot you stencil with US, you can easily wipe or buff it off.
A Consitent Pattern
No Need to Remove Doors and Drawers
When you paint your pieces and don't take out the drawers or take off the doors because you want a very consistent pattern all over, you can easily wipe any Unicorn SPiT paint off the edges with a wet rag because US is water soluble. This takes the fear out of playing with US.
A Spray Bottle is Your Best Friend
Unicorn SPiT is Unlike Other Stains
Keep a spray bottle of water handy to help spread your Unicorn SPiT. The colors stay vibrant if you dilute it, yet you can thin it out up to 10 parts water to allow transparency and easy blending. You only need one coat, no need to wipe it off like regular stains, and you will see no brush strokes.
Knowing When Unicorn SPiT is Dry
A Chalk Type Look
It's easy to know when Unicorn SPiT is dry - it looks very chalky when dry and is ready to add to or seal when you see it's dull looking. So grab a blow dryer, watch for it to dull before going on to the next step whether it's more designing like stenciling, or top coating. But don't fret! When you are applying the sealer, you will see the look of vibrancy once again.
Online Color Mixing Tool
No Need to Guess Any More!
There's an excellent online resource for color mixing that is a perfect choice for Unicorn SPiT. Go visit Try Colors and use it to find just the right colors of Unicorn SPiT for your own favorite color combination. It will save you time and spit!
“Now I will believe that there are unicorns…”
– William Shakespeare; The Tempest