This is the layout of my staging area, how I set up the lights and how they work.
Be sure to read over the module on staging on the Blueprint. There are many examples and explanations there that would be helpful.
Next is a quick video + pics answering the question about what type of decor to put in the pic with your piece.
Tell a story with your staging. It could say “elegant”, “functional”, “playful”, etc. or perhaps demonstrate its use like books with a pair of glasses, a laptop with pen and pad on a desk, etc.
You could stage it different ways to show versatility or just go for whimsy to attract attention. Be creative! I’ll include some shots I took to show different ways of using props and some detail shots for closeups. You can’t forget to show details!
I didn’t add my logo yet, I’ll do that when I’m ready to list it. A logo is important!
Your challenge?
Choose a grouping (like my potting station) or something more simple (like my clock/decor pics) or practice a detail shot like the ones I posted that zoom in and look like a magazine ad. Experiment and then post a pic or two or three OR MORE! Do something you’ve not done before and push yourself to experiment with your staging.
I never know which ones will work until I sit down and go through my pics. First I delete the ones that are “meh” and then go through them again and look for the ones that “wow me”. They are the ones I use.
My money shot is usually the straight on full body pics. But not always. Feel free to add your thoughts, ideas and tips. And as always, feel free to ask questions.
NOTE: This is just an example of how you can create a story - I'll probably list it with an old sewing machine on top with a few of the other shots for closeups.

Do you have a piece that can stand alone or needs just one item to accent it?
Sometimes less is more and the follow up detail shots finish the story.
THE CHALLENGE: Share your ideas with our tribe.

Now let's see your staging using groupings. The best, but not necessarily the only way, is to use varied heights (or widths) in sets of three.
If you can use a theme that helps tell the story of the piece, you'll get the buyer to envision the piece in their own lives, not yours. They begin to own it before they even buy it.
Buying is an emotional decision. Create the right emotion and you are halfway there.

Let's get creative. I challenge you to think outside the box and stage a piece very unusually - don't stick to traditional ways of staging, but do show how your piece could be used different ways or use an unusual piece of decor to grab attention.
Consider staging twice - once for a generic time of year and once for the upcoming holiday. The first video is my granddaughter on a chair I painted for my granddaughters and the second video is one I published before Christmas to encourage staging for holidays.
I didn't post my granddaughter's video to sell the chair - I didn't sell it. It's just there to show a unique staging idea. Go find the module that talks about staging to see more ideas.
Other ideas for uniqueness: stage outside, in your home, unusual decor, living props, video, funny or thought provoking signs, etc.
In the staging module on Blueprint, you'll find an octopus settee staged in water. That takes the cake when it comes to unique staging!
NOTE: This must be something new, no pulling out an old photo and posting it. Don't be concerned over background or lighting - this is just a practice to encourage creativity, not necessarily to list for sale.
BUT, if you want to go the extra mile, do stage with every consideration and use it for your listing to change things up.
Show my yours and I’ll show you mine - flooring & background ideas
Coming Soon: