100 Random Furniture Flipping Tips
A Video Series
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It takes years to hone your skills and find out the best way to do things. But what if you could be a fly on the shoulder of the most experienced furniture artists and see how they get things done - easily, quickly, and without mishaps?

Now you can!
>> 100 tips to help you on your furniture flipping journey. <<
Grab for yourself the Video series for just $27.
End the frustration. Find out what the insiders know easily and quickly by 50+ videos with information broken down in bite-sized pieces - all in one place to be consumed at your convenience. Some videos are just 30 seconds long - short and to the point tips so you can get on your way and go paint!
*One year access, 100% guaranteed. Don't think it's amazing? Ask for your money back within 7 days of purchase, no questions asked!
Bringing beauty into customer's homes, one piece at a time.

Are you tired of spending hours online in Facebook groups trying to learn how to redesign a piece that lasts and turns heads? Do you have questions about selling?
- When should I use oil-based primer?
- How do I apply polycrylic and polyurethane?
- What is the best way to clean stencils and brushes?
- How do I remove drips? Is it possible to put water-based products over oil-based?
- Why is my top coat yellowing?
- What grit sandpaper should I use before staining?
- How do I answer low-ballers?
All these questions answered and more in the 100 Random Furniture Flipping Tips Video Series!